Being an Educator.

I prefer to talk from a point of view of the thoughts and feelings I have about the world.

I worked as an engineer from 2015 - 2017. I didn't find my job personally satisfying. I prefer to work closely with people.

Looking back at that decision to move from engineering to teaching, it didn't seem like the right choice at first. I was nervous and unsure.

It's daunting taking a turn in your career, but I held out and said to myself, "I'll know for sure if I'm right for the classroom after the first week of being a student teacher". The risk to changing jobs paid off. Three years later, I'm still here

With each year I learn more, about myself and about the teacher I one day hope to be.

Being Human.

I try my best everyday. Sometimes I do well. Sometimes I do not.

The next day I wawke up and try again to be better.

Actually, why I'm on this thought tangent. I struggle with the concept of "better". What is better? What makes it better? According to what moral framework is something better? (or even good for that matter)

From a personal point of view, being "better" makes me think of other words like contribution, fulfilment, enjoyment. That way, it's easier for me to conceptualise these ideas.

Anyway so I try everyday I try to be better.